July 28, 2010

10 things I miss

I had a meeting in the city today. I dusted off my former DC work-day attire then hightailed it just in time for my twelve o'clock.

I hadn't been back to my old office for close to a year, so it felt a little awkward and exciting, and many times throughout the day I was reminded that despite my currently sweet arrangement to work from home, there are a few things that I miss about the way things used to be.

10. Slugging!! Thirty minute naps on the way to and fro, and the long list of rules that are rarely followed. slugging = comedy.
9. Lunch walks in Georgetown
8. Face to face time with colleagues
7. Twice daily doses of NPR--now I have no idea what goes on outside the walls of my own home.
6. Racing the clock to pass the mixing bowl before 6:00 pm (that's when the regular lanes can merge into the HOV) Fun times!!
5. Blow drying my hair, putting on makeup, a non-nursing bra, and some actual clothes (No PJs allowed at the office!!)
4. "Lunch Bunches" with two certain people, in particular
3. Logging miles every day on foot (to the metro station, to the slug-line, block walks, etc.)
2. Showing off photos of Roscoe
1. Suits and flip-flops

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