March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday Week XI: :)

Last week offered a welcomed hiatus from the gym and weight watchers. Despite my best intentions, family commitments permitted only one opportunity to go to the gym. So, in true Jacqueline fashion, I was compelled then, not to follow my eating plan either.

I didn't track anything. I didn't stress about sweets. I ate two slices of pizza and I enjoyed a Starbucks frappuccino on a sunny morning with my sunroof open.

Sometimes, to give ourselves permission to take a break from pursuing our goals can be just the thing that we need to gain a little perspective, consider how best to move forward and, in my case, crave the structure that losing weight demands.

And you never know, not stressing over the details might produce results. Unexpectedly, I lost 2.6 pounds.

How was your week? Did you experience any freedom in your routine?

This Week's Score: :)
Cardio: D
Strength Training: D
Weight Watchers: D

1 comment:

  1. I love this post & completely agree with it.

    I've been "off" Nutrisystem for a few weeks & while I'm still losing weight, it's given me incredible perspective on what I ate prior to Nutrisystem. What made me gain weight. How I'm still losing now. & giving me motivation that once I'm healed mentally, I'll be ready to tackle the next 25 lbs.

    I think you are VERY wise to step back every now & then to re-evaluate & re-focus. Good job :)


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