September 21, 2010

We got the beat

Today we heard Little Sears's heart beat for the first time. It was as sweet and emotional for me as it was when we first heard Roscoe's.

It took our midwife almost two minutes to find it, and we waited anxiously while she searched. Then, an unmistakable little gallop in the 150's came through and I couldn't help it: the tears just welled up.

I assumed that a second pregnancy would be old hat. That there might not be time (or desire) to dwell and obsess over the details, and that the little things might not bring as much joy as they did the first time. Not true!

And I'm glad that it's so.


  1. I whole heartedly agree! Nothing about growing a new baby get's is just as amazing and wonderful the second time as it was the first! Even more so because now you know first hand how much love you will have for this little being the second he or she is placed in your arms (and before!).

  2. Ohh.. I love hearing this! We are going to be trying for #2 pretty soon and it is a slight 'worry' of mine how the second pregnancy will go.. wondering if it will be as exciting as the first.. glad to hear it is!

  3. Yay! Happy news. And I'm glad you are celebrating all the moments with as much joy as you did the first time around.


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