September 20, 2010

Momma's Monday Check-in: 11/40

Note: McFatty Mondays is no longer!! Instead, I will be posting Momma's Monday Check-in. Join me as I eat and exercise my way through the next 29 weeks.

Due Date: April 8, 2011

Total weight gain:
No weighing in for me this week!! No news is good news.
Morning Sickness: I had a few days of nausea, but I'm feeling much better.
Cravings/Aversions: No cravings, all aversions. It takes a very long time to figure out what I want to eat, and once the food is in front of me, I don't want to eat it.
Sleep: I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm still feeling hungover from the crazy Cleveland schedule.
I can't live without: Andy's patience and support. I've been a real gem of late :)
I miss: A well-stocked fridge
I am looking forward to: My first prenatal appointment tomorrow (finally!) and the NT scan on Wednesday.
Aha Moment: Now that the nausea has subsided, it's time to refocus on nutrition. No excuses!
Milestones: Nothing significant this week...
Best moment this week: Coming home, sweet home!

Exercise: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Diet: Travel and vacation are tough on the diet of a first tri Momma. I made the best choices I could considering that very little of what was available appealed to me. I did eat a few too many cookies on the day I was too busy to eat the provided lunch, and it's hard to plan out meals when on the go. When hunger struck, I had only enough time and energy to locate the food closest in proximity.

Goal's for the upcoming week: Work out! I think I'm feeling consistently well enough to recommit to exercise four days a week. I'm going to try my kickboxing classes again to see how I feel. If it's too difficult to modify, or if the modifications eliminate the workout, then I'll probably put my membership on hold until after the baby is born. I'm also going to begin again with my weightlifting routine. As for diet, I'm feeling motivated to eat clean and without the nausea I'm hoping that I won't need food as a remedy every 20 to 30 minutes.

Belly Shot:
Movement: none
Gender: unknown
Labor Signs: none


  1. Totally rockin a belly there, so cute! Again, inspired by your momma monday, I always look forward to reading it!

  2. Ohhh!! You popped a little bit! Such a cute bump! Isn't it so annoying how long you have to wait for the first prenatal appointment?! Can't wait to see pics from the US!

  3. Awwww what a cute belly how exciting to watch it all happen. Almsot makes me broody again and then I remember the nausea.


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